
What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic science that has long acknowledged the physical and psychological components of illness. Samuel Hahnemann, a renowned physician from Germany, discovered homeopathy in 1796. The foundation of homoeopathy is the principle of "Like cures Like," according to which, a substance capable of producing certain symptoms in a healthy individual can treat similar symptoms in a diseased person. Thus, the logic is to evoke a healing response from the body itself rather than trying to suppress the disease manifestation.

Why Homeopathy


Holistic– Homeopathy is a holistic science which has always recognized diseases to be having both physical and psychological components.


Safe and gentle– More than 2500 homeopathic medicines are made from plants, animals, minerals, chemicals, etc. using a unique method of production known as "potentization." Therefore, homeopathic treatments, with their minuscule doses,
are completely safe and non-toxic. Homeopathic medicines have a dynamic effect on the body.


Ethical– The curative effects and the symptomatology of every homeopathic medicine are proven only on healthy human beings, not rats and rabbits, making homeopathy uniquely reliable.


Safe for kids and babies– Homeopathy has the potential to help with/ deal with a wide range of common illnesses, including reflux, colic, allergies, bedwetting, colds, coughs, fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, tonsillitis, measles, chickenpox, mumps, skin rashes, and dental issues effectively without causing any negative side effects. Homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, or lower body's resistance. Children, willingly ingest homeopathic pills being sweet in taste.


Excellent for psychosomatic illnesses– Homeopathy helps with mental illnesses by assessing the mental and physical makeup administering medicines that address both the body and the mind.


A comprehensive system– Homeopathy is not limited to certain conditions but is universally applicable to all kinds of conditions.


Economical/ Cost effective


Safe during Pregnancy– Homeopathy can assist with symptoms such as constipation, delayed or long labor, morning sickness, and gestational diabetes and others


Convenient– Homeopathic medicines being easy to administer, sweet to taste, non-invasive and free of side-effects, are extremely convenient for the patient and therefore command better patient compliance.

Case taking

The art of case taking involves observing, conversing with, and gathering information from both patients and family members. Every case is unique and a tailored case taking strategy helps physician to reach the totality of symptoms which helps the physician to choose the Similimum. Along with making observations, the homeopath may also inquire about the specifics of the complaint, lifestyle, stress factors, emotional problems, dietary sensitivity, weather sensitivity, and other environmental factors, medical and family history etc. The collected information is used to choose the most similar remedy which will help to boost the immunity to overcome the disease symptoms. The first visit takes about 1.5 hours. Subsequent visits are about 45 minutes long.